DIY Valentine Smart Cookie Gift for Teachers

The last couple of weeks I have been sharing Valentine card ideas and treat ideas for that special someone in your life.  But as I spend the last couple of days getting last minute Valentine treats for kids, I realized I forgot some very important people in my own children’s lives.  That is the teachers.  They spend so much time every day of the week showing love, and patience to my children.  They spend money out of their pocket for many special events, or just because days for my kids. Finally, they spend so many endless overtime hours thinking about my kids and all the kids they work with that it was a definite given.  They need some love back with many thank you’s.

DIY Valentine Smart Cookie Gift for Teachers

So I unlisted the help of my kids and we came up with an adorable sweet thank you gift that we hope the teacher enjoys.  I purchased the Teachers Bundle from and decided to use the Thank you for making me one smart cookie quote.  I cut the quote using my Brother Scan and Cut and heat pressed the vinyl onto the oven mit.  But wait we decided to fill it with goodies.  Check it out below.  Isn’t it the most adorable gift ever.  I hope the teachers love it.

DIY Valentine Smart Cookie Gift For Teachers

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